2.3 What typically happens when a file is lost or goes missing? 3.0 Consider the business impact. Does the ability to find a document or file have ...
However, it is still best practice to at least track file downloads.
So the standard Google Analytics tracking code does not record file
MonsterInsights lets you easily track your file downloads with Google Analytics.
local Git LFS files; Deleting remote Git LFS files from the server; Finding paths or
No way to find out whether your content was enjoyed by your audience. No way of tracking them. Sigh… Why you should track your documents? Since being on ...
Discover how popular your downloadable PDFs are; Find out which content type you
Nested folders generally make it easier to find specific files later, because you
Box enables you to track user activity on virtually any file in two ways: Recent user activity, via
click on your username in the top right menu, and click Settings