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What Order Do I Watch The X-files In : Useful Links


The new series likewise makes references to the events in the second movie as well. For the primary X-Files run you should do it in this order: X-Files Seasons 1- 5 ...


An X-Files Franchise Viewing Order and Watch/Skip Guide. Hi!


You don't really need to watch either Millennium or The Lone Gunmen to understand the events in the main X-Files series. Millennium isn't really a proper  ...


Closure and its Part 1, Sein Und Zeit, are especially moving and Closure does what it says on the tin, closing a chapter of the arc plot in an ...


What order should you watch The X-Files? This is pretty straight forward despite the amount of it there is. Watch through seasons 1-5 first and then it's time to ...


37 Reasons Nick Miller Is The Perfect Crush. We're not yet sure how he'll do as an actual boyfriend, but New ...


... stream of GIF sets in your Tumblr feed—has brought The X-Files back


In Season 10, Mulder and Scully had visions of what it would have been like to raise William as their own (then played by actor Aiden Longworth).


Viewers in the 90s were not watching casually but obsessively, wondering just what the heck was going on and unsure where each episode would take them. For ...


To make that easier, we've trimmed down a “greatest hits” episodes list of what you should watch to get most of the mythology and experience the ...

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