Delivery Optimization in Windows 10 clears its cache automatically. Files are removed from the cache after a short time period or when their contents take up too ...
Delivery Optimization settings for Windows 10 devices that you can
here you can see in this snapshot that there is 5.49GB temporary files. but I'm unable
Windows application size is limited to 8 GB per app. Delivery optimization. Windows 10 1709 and later clients will download Intune Win32 app ...
When configuring Delivery Optimization on Windows 10 devices, the first and
This article provides information about Delivery Optimization, a peer-to-peer distribution
SCCM along Delivery Optimization can help better manage that crazy
each file can be held in the Delivery Optimization cache on each Windows 10 client device.
Optionally, customers who use Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager can take advantage of a feature called Configuration Manager ...