... they are out of order. This happens when there are sequential numbers in the file names and those number do not have the same number of ...
File names are stored as strings in almost every operating system and
f" ) ) rem Process the filenames in right order for /F "tokens=2 delims=="
If your files are named properly, they will always appear in order on the list.
For filenames which begin with numbers, as in your screenshot, padding can be used. Here's an example: @Echo Off For %%A In ("1.pdf" "10 ...
Unfortunately their software sorts on date modified not date taken so they end up out of order.
To maintain the numeric order when file names include numbers it is
Note: Numbering doesn't have to start at one (-001), it can start at any number,
When numerical sorting is enabled, File Explorer will sort file names by increasing number value (for example, 3 < 22 < 111).
(If you're working in a window, it slides out from the title bar; if you've selected