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Xedit Load Order Fileid Cannot Be Mapped : Useful Links


[00:00] Exception in unit GenerateEnchantedVersions line 235: Load order FileID [60] can not be mapped to file FileID for file "Custom Leveled Lists.esp".


Recursive checks for masters need to be added to fix this bug and several others which are similar. CKIT/GECK will add all masters of all ...


That usually means that xedit is trying to add a mod as a master that is loaded ...


I downloaded CCOR and gave my patch script a try in xEdit.


As far as the xEdit patch script, no idea why it is doing that for some


... Load order FileID [F1] can not be mapped to file FileID for file DynDOLOD.esp with F1 being MusicMerged.esp. Ive checked for errors in xedit ...


... 775: Load order FileID [27] can not be mapped to file FileID for file "Bijin


Check the load order for errors with xEdit.exe before generating LOD. Fix all errors. See this video for help. Seems rather likely that there is a problem with BDS - ...

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