FOC order means pricing will not happen but delivery as well as availability check & tor will happen for the material. if ur requirement is not to ...
Business requirement: Different COGS GL account for Sample / FOC order.
Hi All I hav a scenario where i will be creating Return order and subsequent PGR now the company decides to replace the material for the ...
Free of charge delivery or subsequent delivery is made, when a customer is not satisfied with the products or the quantity of good is lesser when delivered.
Free-of-Charge Delivery. Definition. A sales document for delivering goods to a customer free of charge. Use.
What is Subsequent Delivery? Subsequent Deliver is when a customer receives lesser number of goods than that ordered, or if the goods have ...
Free-of-Charge Delivery. Definition. A sales document for delivering goods to a customer free of charge. Use. You can create free of charge deliveries for ...
The proforma is based on a delivery
Sometimes customer may return goods because of damage or poor quality or not satisfied. Free of charge delivery process creates a non-billed sales order.
Dear All, We have a scenario where imported items are coming on FOC. I have tried ticking free item check box in PO but then i cannot enter ...