Support Payment Options: Payments, (Cash, Money Orders and Certified Checks ) accepted at FOC Lobby Payment Window by Appointment: kentcountyfoc.
See the following links for updates on operations during this time: Family Domestic/FOC Filing Instructions · Personal Protection Order Filing Instructions ...
By court order, electronic devices, weapons, and cutting instruments are NOT ...
The judge will also decide what remedies to use. If the court schedules a show cause hearing you should attend. You can let the FOC know about the custody or ...
a motion hearing before a referee, you may fax or email your objections to the FOC.
The court may also order the FOC to do an investigation in your case.
Filing a Motion, Complaint, or Other FOC Document?
the Family Court in establishing, enforcing and modifying orders regarding:.
and enforcing the court's orders for custody, parenting time, and support.
Friend of the Court Case Questionnaire (four pages) (Replaces FOC 39a, 39b, 39c, ...