also for the dating of very young specimens (e.g., artifacts from archaeological sites).
The fragments emitted by this fission process leave trails of damage (fossil tracks or ion tracks) in the crystal structure of the mineral that
The fission track age, T (yr), can be represented by the following equation3 where ρs is the fossil fission track density (cm−2), ρi is the induced ...
Fission track dating is a radiometric method of age determination
Back in 1994, archaeologist Carl Swisher dated the same fossils to
archaeological applications of track dating in table 3, which makes clear that in ...
Fission-track dating is based on the decay of a radioactive isotope of ...
Relative and Absolute Dating Methods in Archaeology
U–Pb and fission track dating as well as (U/Th)/He thermochronology
Fission track dating to similar rocks and plants remains 2.