Tracking 100 Million Years of Biological Symbioses in Fossil Termites. Academic Year. 2018-2019. Start Date. October 2018. End Date. March 2019. Flex. No.
The collembola exhibit rare features for fossils, reflecting their
The analysis of a termite entombed for 100 million years in an ancient
Tracking 100 million years of biological symbioses in fossil termites.
As of 2013, about 3,106 living and fossil termite species are recognised,
Tracking 100 million years of biological symbioses in fossil termites.
This symbiosis arose at least seven times in the last 60 million years.
20+ million members; 135+ million publications; 700k+ research projects
Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution
The specimens, preserved in 98 million-year-old amber from northern