Dinosaur footprints and worm burrows are examples of trace fossils, as are coprolites (fossilized dung or feces). In the kits, the coprolite (1), theropod track ( 17), ...
Stromatolites are the limestone structures formed by photosynthesizing bacteria called
Dinosaurs left trace fossils represented by tracks,
The fossil record reveals much about dinosaurs that lived in a much
As fossils, dinosaur dung becomes geological records of biological activity.
There are so many of these fossils because each dinosaur made many tracks ( but ...
Evidence of an organism's activities is recorded in trace fossils. These include tracks, fossilized dung, and burrow casts. What is the study of fossil tracks called?
tossing elephant dung at each other in Laetoli, a hominid archeological site in Tanzania.
years to the Jurassic period to get a look at a flying dinosaur called the Anchiornis.
Paleontologists study amber, called “fossil resin,” to observe these