Pre-Order Deposit Refund | GameStop
Phone Number used for reserving your pre-order in the store. Email. Profile ID ...
Cancel Gamestop Pre Order Over Phone : Useful Links
If you're unable to cancel your order online, you can still request a cancellation via phone, email, or in-person at a GameStop store. Steps.
Why can't you cancel a pre-order over the phone? I've switched pre-orders over the phone... You need to put the money somewhere. Either you ...
Sorry again for knocking over the Tamagotchis lol
GameStop preorder policy is changing, allowing customers to
I want to cancel my order or shipping address
GameStop's updated pre-order pickup system gives you a few options for
To update on the collectors edition questions, everything listed in the article also applies to pre-orders for collectors editions, so fear not!
It didn't help that I could only cancel it from the store it was reserved at, and ...
GameStop seems to cancel pre-orders for games like Cyberpunk 2077