Pre-Order Shipping Request Form. Thank you for pre-ordering from GameStop! If you would like to have the game shipped to you, provide the requested ...
Cant Cancel Gamestop Order Evn Though It Hasnt Shipped : Useful Links
After 5 business day my order is still in process and hasn't shipped.
(I reviewed the order screen at time of purchase) Pre-ordered in the store to
But even in the system on their end it shows what I see. 1
I want to cancel my order or shipping address
a pending ghost order that didn't go through from october that still hasn't voided
In other words, even if you manage to beat the bots, beat the site crashes, and
other people who ordered from Gamestop and Amazon and their orders shipped.
Preparing for Shipment, on the other hand, means that your order is in the
Gamestop is a retailer that specializes in games for computers and consoles.