New quantum numbers, such as ground state degeneracy (which can be defined on a closed space or an open space with gapped boundaries, including both ...
Kitaev, Fault tolerant quantum computation by anyons, Annals Phys.
Gapped quantum liquids and topological order, stochastic local
We generalize the electric-magnetic (EM) duality in the quantum double (QD)
applications in graphene, topological quantum computing, study of
This paper studies fault-tolerant quantum computation with gapped boundaries. We first introduce gapped boundaries of Kitaev's quantum double ...
applications in topological quantum computing, study of entanglement, classification of gapped quantum phases, etc. 2. Mathematical foundation.
... quantum computation through measuring the correlation of a gapped
For example, we can study the quantum code or topological quantum computation with boundary [71,[110][111][112][113][114][115]. One can construct ...
of gapped quantum liquids, and show that topological order corresponds to stable.