in the reactor containment vessel increased to 530 kPa. As a result, at
A former criminal prosecutor and civil rights attorney, Dana Nessel was sworn in as Michigan's 54th Attorney General on January 1, 2019. Her core initiatives are ...
responsJble foi:managing Census staff thatWlll have access to, the SSR and
Central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) result in
promulgating, administering, and monitoring national disclosure policy.
of ·h~ ~ m~dom of lrforrnation ar ~ Pn,·a·~; Act
In December 1991. the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County appointed
For the Thursday call, here are the VA thoughts in blue based on the agenda items you had sent me.
This is in response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, dated
of historical ice core studies and recent air monitoring sites around the world.