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Paul's Third Missionary Journey In Order : Useful Links


The places that Paul visited during his third missionary journey are listed below in chronological order. Antioch. Paul begins his third mission journey. "After ...


Paul travels to Macedonia in order to visit and encourage the congregations he planted on the 2nd Journey. At some point during his trip through Macedonia, Paul ...


The account of Paul's third missionary journey begins in Acts 18. Paul spent some time at his home church in Syrian Antioch before going northwest over land  ...


Paul's third evangelistic tour begins by revisiting the churches in Galatia in order to follow-up on the epistle he wrote to them in late spring (book of Galatians). He  ...


what they taught and urged them to continue on, even following them in order to learn more .


After updating his home church in Antioch in Syria of the things God had done during his second missionary journey, Paul departed again on a third journey to ...


Spring :In prison at Rome, writes 2 TIMOTHY; Summer: Paul executed at Nero's orders. ... Missionary Journey Paul's Third Missionary Journey Paul's Journey to Rome


What are the cities of Paul's third missionary journey in order? Antioch. Galatia. Ephesus. Macedonia. Greece. Macedonia. Philippi. Troas. Assos. Mitylene.


20:31) he spared himself neither day nor night in order to bring the.


He indicates that he had given the same “order to the churches of. Galatia. I. Paul in Macedonia. 1.

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