A Visit From The Goon Squad book cover
different points of view, and does not follow a linear or chronological order.
The same characters do not appear in every story, the order in which the stories are presented is not chronological, allusions and connections to other stories in ...
Now, we assume that Sasha left NYC not long after that to reunite with Drew, right ? So maybe she had her first kid 3 years later? Now, in Chapter 12 that kid is 13 ...
Jennifer Egan's A Visit From The Goon Squad (Knopf; 274 pages) is a
Jennifer Egan's A Visit from the Goon Squad (2010) subverts this expectation by progressing non-chronologically, thus prompting its reader to restore the narrative's chronological order. However, the reader's reconstruction of ...
She returns the wallet to its owner, who does not turn Sasha in. She later steals a note from
I would be the one to argue that if Jennifer Egan presented this story in chronological order all in the same medium, not having some chapters as ...
Chasing Narrative: Jennifer Egan's Sometimes Non-Linear Take on Time,
Arranged in chronological order, the earliest part of Egan's narrative