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Mass Effect 1 How To Order Squad To Take Cover : Useful Links


Below the squadmate name is a box which has one, two, or three different colored bars:


Either that, or they will take cover in a completely different spot, stop there briefly ... this is one of my favorite games of all time, and I can't get enough of it.


Use the D-pad (X360, PS3) or the keyboard arrow keys (PC) to issue the following squad orders in the battlefield:


Xbox controls for Mass Effect 3 are similar to the previous Mass Effect games.


Solved: I am on the first mission to a planet, and at the part where my squad are supposed to cover the door and I cover behind a wall. I can get one.


The player may also issue orders to the squad members, such as sending them to take cover behind an object, scout ahead, regroup, or focus their fire on a ...


In addition, sometimes squad mates get "stuck" behind a NPC or a ...


1. 2. MASS EFFECT BASIC. 6. 7. FECT BASICS. Non-combat HUD. As you progress

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