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What Are Squad Orders In Battlefield 5 : Useful Links


Press the “Danger Ping” button while looking at an objective on the map or select one from the Commo Rose to issue an order to your team This objective will be ...


In previous games, and Battlefield V, issuing orders is an effective way to not only get your squad organized around completing a specific ...


Comments. BenBit13 Member, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline, Battlefield, Battlefield 1, CTE, BF1IncursionsAlpha, Battlefield V ...


Once you gét a bunch of squad points hold LB + RB to open the


You need to complete five Squad Orders. In any squad, there is a squad leader who can point out targets for their squad-mates. If you're not the ...


If you find yourself as the squad leader, you just have to hold down your spot button in order to open up the menu that lets you issue commands.


Speech bubble for additional commands. Voice-chat in Battlefield V. Take your comms game to the next level with voice chat. Setting up and ...

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