Order labels are also configurable, so you can make them really eye-catching for your admins. Here is the product page: https://ecommerce.
Automatically detect and block fraudulent orders using custom blacklisting rules. ... Added better logging functionality and error catching to prevent checkout from ...
When a customer places an order, a sales order is created as a temporary record of the transaction. In the Orders grid, sales orders initially ...
Checkout experience built for speed: Bolt Checkout for Magento performs 3x
If for any reason the customer returns the purchased products and claims a refund, as with order amount capturing and invoice creation, you can ...
Visualizing the distances lets you catch possible fraud risks in a single glance!
Thanks Jonathan! I guess I'm most nervous about breaking stuff in the Magento/ payment flow -- there aren't any issues with canceling or refunding an order in the ...
online payment transactions before processing payments and fulfilling orders.
these orders out, your business is losing revenue.
This is the catch-all category for chargebacks that don't fit into any of the other ...