Enter tracking number reference of Magento


Delivery Schedule Magento : Useful Links


With Delivery Date Scheduler for Magento 2, you can make your order deliveries more certain for your customers by providing them a range of delivery dates to ...


Minimum delivery time can include extra time depending on the estimated Magento 2 shipping date. So if a product would be shipped in two days, you can set ...


Temando is the exclusive provider of the technology behind Magento Shipping and will be subject to an orderly shutdown by Quadient over time, subject to ...


With the Magento delivery extension you will avoid misunderstanding in communication with customers by providing clear and simple delivery process. Specify the ...


The Delivery Date extension enables you to set an extra charge for specific time intervals, thus creating a possibility to make up for shipping expenses during ...


In this section, you will learn how to set up a variety of delivery


Let customers choose delivery date and time · Set day intervals between order and delivery · Display Scheduler on Review/Shipping Step of Checkout Page ...


Setting Delivery date for orders has been easier more than ever · Have three options to choose display Order delivery date whether on Shipping ...


This is determined by the new First-in First-out (FIFO) rule, which ensures that stock is assigned to orders with the earliest promised delivery date.


Looking for a delivery date extension which provides date options, via calendar, but is dependant on which delivery zone the parcel is going to.

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