If it's empty - I'd recommend you to create an order manually to auto-generate the row. You might also see multiple rows in that table, but you ...
For Order Number Source, choose an option: Build Using Magento Order Number - (Default) Choose when you want to create a unique Magento ...
Magento Custom Order Number. Create a new Magento file, for example change. php and insert the following code there: Replace $orderId = 237 with the real ...
Fooman Order Number Customiser allows you to fully customize Magento order, invoice, ... Use any combination of letters, numbers, and dates/ times to create your ultimate ...
Manually make changes directly in database: use code and commands to edit order increment ID, order number starts, and prefix; Install an extension.
Works from installation but I did have issues when creating shipments an' orders. I contacted support an' only got response in 2 days. Not cool, though solved my ...
After fresh install the new Order id will be 100000001, 100000002 and so on. What is the correct way to change that increment id so it would be a higher number?
compatible with many other modules. no problems with install and configuration. ZbyszekTomek. could be better - some things to fix...... Hi. this ...
These numbers each have an Increment ID, and the values used to create them are stored in the database and are not configurable from admin ...
All other configuration settings will be hidden, unless this is set to " ...