Enter tracking number reference of Magento


How To Change Menu Order In Magento : Useful Links


Edit on GitHub · Log an Issue. The main menu of your store is like a directory to the different departments in your store. Each option represents ...


Yes, its possible but you need to change Magento core file. To do so, perform below steps: Step 1: Take backup of below file.


How can I edit top navigation menu? Is it possible to add new menus at top? And is it possible to delete some menus from top?


You need to change the sort_order of the menu, you can find this in your etc/ adminhtml.xml file.


Re: How to changes sub menu order position magento 2. Hi @akshaykamba454 ,. If this is related to the categories submenu. To rearrange the ...


Learn to change Magento 2 sort order, collection. Find out how to sort product listing, collection by newest and other filters. Read on.


What I've always done as our clients don't usually have categories that change frequently is dragged and dropped them in alphabetical order in ...


also ( Setting has All Stores, Configuration, Terms and Conditions, Order Status).


How to customize color for order status, product status by Magento 2 Admin ...

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