Preconditions Magento 2.3 Several Customer Groups created Steps to reproduce ... Can't change customer group when placing an admin order #21144
The Create New Order form includes all the information that is needed to
2. Verify that issue has a meaningful description and provides enough information to reproduce the issue.
The creation of order in Magento 2 admin panel isn't a common thing, but
(for Magento >=2.3.0 <2.4.2 )—Fixes the issue of B2B special pricing displaying
When creating a sale (new order) from the ADMIN, we can assign a custom price to the item, but if we then move the item to the customer's shopping cart, the ...
A customer can start an order on one device and complete it on another.
To exempt multiple customers in bulk, use the customer admin grid to
supported);; from the backend, manually create orders using customer prices.
and powerful extension for your Magento store - the Custom Shipping Price.