With Amazon Sales Channel in Magento, you get the ease and familiarity of a direct integration
When processing an Amazon order, Amazon Sales Channel updates and syncs the order information with your Amazon Seller Central account.
Enter Amazon Sales Channel (ASC) in Magento, an extension
Amazon orders from the third party marketplace pulled into your Magento catalog ...
channels, including Shopify, WooCommerce, 3dcart, and Magento.
Shopify has addons to pull in orders from Ebay.
It aggregates order data from multiple online sales channels for consumption on mobile and desktop.
will push that item into multiple sales channels, ie Amazon, Ebay, Sears, Newegg,
Ordoro can automatically pull your inventory levels from Amazon FBA warehouses. Then, Ordoro will push those numbers into your sales channels such as Shopify, eBay, BigCommerce, Magento etc.
Adobe Wants to Help Amazon Sellers Open Their Own Branded Stores