I finally figured it out. Here is what I'm doing. Get a single product. curl -g -X GET " $base_url/index.php/rest/V1/products/24-MB05/" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ...
I found a solution in the question mentioned in the edit of my question. I will post it here, in case the link could get broken. '{ "entity": ...
How to Create order using Rest API Magento 2? Create Sales Order by REST API Magento 2 useful to generate dynamic order from the third ...
Therefore, the endpoint which is used in the following example only requires the
payment method and billing address information. Endpoint. POST
Process to create order for the guest customer using magento2 rest api - rakeshmagento/magento2-create-order-for-guest-customer-rest-api.
Hi, I'm working on an app for Magento store. and I want to create an order for customers with my admin token. I found 2 ways: 1. To get the ...
In order to create a rest api there are some certain requirements : you need to create an interface in your modules Api folder. then you need to ...
I need to use the Magento REST API to create an order from an API. In my case, I am trying to implement the payment directly using API to ...
... an order by a logged-in user, we explain how to create a customer account in Magento 2 using the REST API.