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Magento 2 Flat Sales Order Table : Useful Links


If you need to add a column to a flat sales table, it is better to do via adding an attribute to a sales entity (sales_order). Make sure that your install modell ...


Therefore it is possible to report on sales of products either at the simple level or at the configurable level. By default, all standard order-item-level metrics in MBI ...


https://magento.stackexchange.com/questions/5521/add-new-column-to-sales- flat-order-grid/5522#5522


Yes, flat tables are still a thing. You can enable flat tables for products and categories from stores->configuration->catalog->storefront. enter ...


When your store applies the Flat Catalog, the new tables on the fly are generated and they will store all


Normally you can iterate through the order item collection and get both - the item_id and the quote_item_id in one loop, like this $order ...

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