You can try below code to get shipping method. $shippingMethod = $order-> getShippingDescription(); $order->getShippingMethod();.
The store owner can implement the conditions at checkout based on the shipping method, or develop a system of order tracking where theĀ ...
You can get the shipping method by $order->getShippingMethod();. or $order-> getShippingAddress()->getShippingMethod();.
... looking for the custom title: Mage::getModel('sales/order')->loadByIncrementId ($orderId)->getTracksCollection()->getFirstItem()->getTitle();.
Preconditions (*) Magento 2.3.0 Magento 2.2.x Steps to reproduce (*) Create a
First, load the object by order id using order repository and get the value by getShippingDescription() method defined as the Below code snippetĀ ...
-snippet/ get-order-information-from-order-id-in-magento-2/#:~:text=fe.
Title, Store View, The name that is used for this shipping method during checkout. ... Sort Order, Website, A number that determines the order that Flat Rate
$this->order = $order; } public function getOrder() { $ orderId
To add a new shipping carrier to the Magento checkout: