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Magento 2 Order Status Meanings : Useful Links


This is the status used if order is created and PayPal or similar payment method is used. This means that the customer was directed to the ...


Order Status in Magento 2 · New indicates that an order is created, but no payment has been made; · Pending means no invoice and shipments have been  ...


... This status means that order has been received by PayPal, but payment has not yet been processed. Updated 2 months ago. Did you find what you were ...


According to "The Definitive Guide to Magento", the order statuses are defined as follows: Pending: Pending orders are brand new orders that have not been ...


See what each of the state/statuses means: New show that an order is generated, but no payment has been made;; Pending indicates no invoice ...


In Magento, order can have the following status: New, Processing, Pending Payment, On Hold, Canceled and Complete and they will be available on your ...


Here's the breakdown on the order statuses you can encounter at our store:


Processing: Processing means that orders have either been invoiced or shipped, but not both. For More Detail : Magento Order Statuses.


a “Pending Payment” order state can have the following order statuses:.


These are pre-defined order states in Magento 2. What if store owners want to re- define these order states? The answer is order statuses.

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