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Magento Add Attribute To Order Grid : Useful Links


Error in column code use below code. $this->addColumn('sales_rep', array( ' header' => Mage::helper('sales')->__('Sales Rep'), 'index' ...


Hello everyones, how to add a New Column to Orders Grid?. i need add a columns in the grid and add in the table sales_order_grid, attribute ...


agente is a customer attribute : so you have to join the sales_flat_order table ( which is the main table of the order grid collection) and the table ...


An item is not the equivalent of a product. If you want to get attribute of a product in an item, you need to call the $item->getProduct() function to ...


Does your Magento order grid have all of the fields you need? Adding or removing columns is fairly simple. Let's explore how. Here we will ...


Anurag Patbandha. According to your code ,you can only add fields of sales_flat_order_address . If you want to add customer address attribute ...


Show custom attributes in order grid. You can change the configuration of the order grid to show ...


@clockworkgeek had the answer to the first part of my question. The problem was that my joinLeft() was retrieving text values from the attribute ...


In the upper-right corner, click the Columns ( ) control. Then, do the following: Mark the checkbox of any column you want to add to the grid. Clear ...


I solved it. It was just my mistake. This will work: ->addAttributeToSelect(' my_custom_customer_attribute_name').

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