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Magento Email When Order Is Placed : Useful Links


New Order Confirmation Template, Store View, Identifies the template that is sent to confirm new orders placed by customers. Default ...


In the magento backend goto. System > Configuration. Left Naviagation > Sales > Sales Emails this option will let you configure mail sending ...


we are not getting emails after placing order. i setup all necessary settings but still it is not sending mails. kindly help us to resolve this issue ASAP ...


Once you've set up your Magento store, you want to be sure you know when an order is placed (so that you can fulfill it quickly). In place of being glued to the ...


Sending order emails to customers is a default Magento feature. You can enable it in the admin area System -> Configuration -> Sales -> Sales ...


On the Admin Panel, Stores > Settings > Configuration . · On the left panel, under Sales tab, click on Sales Emails subtab. · Open the Order section: · Open the Order ...


Please check if you select checkbox of sending email while creating order. You can observe this event to add something after order get placed :


php , then i started receiving email when the order is placed by customer or when i click send email from the admin panel "Sales/Orders" tab. Magento had set the ...


Value: Total value of the order (sub-total + shipping) - any discounts.

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