Enter tracking number reference of Magento


Magento Get Order Discount Success Page : Useful Links


Magento 2.1. The block mentioned below is now Magento\Checkout\Block\ Onepage\Success. Magento 2.0. The only thing you can retrieve natively on this page ...


You can try following $order_details = Mage::getModel('sales/order')-> loadByIncrementId(Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getLastRealOrderId( )); ...


question is not clear about coupon code. but after reading the comment it make clear you want to get coupon code based on rule id.


How to get order id and print details on success page after order creating programmatically in Magen. Hi Everybody. I am using Magento 1.9.x ...


You can get order total by $order->getData('base_grand_total');. in order to get all articles (loop through) you need to do,


You can summarize the customer order on a success page to help them get another overview of ...


Add coupon codes to success page; Get order details on success page; Get order total on success page; Override order success page in ...


The purpose of giving out coupons and discounts on Magento 2 thank you page is to increase customer loyalty and retention. The coupon can be ...

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