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Magento Get Product Attribute From Order Item : Useful Links


Please try to get all product attributes by $orderObj = $objectManager->create(' Magento\Sales\Model\Order')->load($orderID); $orderAllItems ...


Item object has a product property that you can retrieve by $productcolor = $_ item->getProduct()->getAttributeText('color');. Make sure that $_item is instance of  ...


You'll probably want to load up the product object, and then get your data off of that object. That will allow you to utilize all the methods you are ...


You can call product attributes in template. markus • 6 years ago. Am I something missing? The custom attribute does not get store in ...


Using Magento CE 1.8.x and I'm trying to get a custom product attribute to pass to order items to use behind the scenes. I've created the custom ...


Magento: Add additional product/item attributes in order and invoice emails


Magento provides a capability for adding options that aren't product attributes or product custom options. They are set on the product and quote items with the ...


Join to sales_order_item.item_id to determine parent product attributes associated with simple product. For parent order items (that is, bundle or configurable ...

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