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Magento Observer Order Cancel Event : Useful Links


Hi everyone, I am trying to find out which event is triggered when a refund is created in admin using the credit memo system. There is a great ...


But sales_order_save_after called serveral times,when any save event( save() ) are happened on Sales/order model (Mage::getModel('sales/ ...


I am using the following code to prevent the order from being cancelled from the Magento admin panel. < ...


This is because the order that is in the cancelation process is not yet saved to the DB, so getting a collection will not include your order because ...


Cancelling a order means actually that order state is set to "cancelled" so you need to observe the event sales_order_save_after and get the ...


Automatically notify customers after their order is cancelled from the backend.


If it can't be cancelled, then it should break the cancel event and display a message that the order cannot be cancelled. Which event I should choose, ...


I wonder what the correct event that I observe when a sale is canceled. I'm trying to "sales_order_item_cancel" but I do not know if that's correct.


Magento 2 Different Cancel events list. List of separate cancel event observer in magento. Cancel Order, Cancel Payment, Cancel invoice and ...

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