Enter tracking number reference of Magento


Magento Order Email Items Template : Useful Links


If you want to customization on order item of email templates,. You need to override below phtml file to your theme or module level. Main file is,.


The way I achieved this is by creating a file called items.phtml here: my_template/ Magento_Sales/templates/email/items.phtml. No XML file ...


After lot of R&D I noticed that, the template used is from app/design/frontend/base /default/template/email/order/items.phtml and product name, sku ...


If you want to remove from order email then go to. vendor\magento\module-sales\ view\frontend\templates\email\items\order. open default.phtml.


I tried to find the code that should generate the HTML, I think sales.xml tells me to look at the " email/order/invoice/items.phtml "-template file. But ...


For example, to override the New Order email template, create a template named order_new.html in the /Magento_Sales/email ...


Open System / Configuration / Sales Emails and check which template is used for New order? If there is something other than Default - try to set ...


I installed magento 2.3.4 with sample data. In the customer order mail order items are missing. Steps to reproduce(*). Stores> Configuration> ...