Enter tracking number reference of Magento


Magento Remove Old Orders : Useful Links


This script will remove the orders - the invoices and shipments associated with the deleted orders will be removed as well. Put this in your ...


After a fresh installation, there will be test orders in your Magento backend. These orders must be deleted to not be mixed with real orders.


Re: Delete Test Orders Magento 2.3. Pretty much the same method but diffierent table names. ## WARNING ## This will reset and remove ...


Go to admin>sales>orders; Write down your test orders incremental ids, for example 100000001,100000002,100000003,100000111 ...


Problem we had was that we had over 35000 orders in the store and we wanted to clean up the order grid and remove all orders older than 12 month. We did a lot  ...


Currently, Magento® doesn't allow you to delete an order from your store. You can only mark them as Cancelled but can't delete. This extension allows you to ...


Due to the extension you can clear not only your admin panel, but customer accounts as well. Use this feature to remove information about old orders on the ...


Tested in Magento 2.1.0. Be safe : make a backup of your sql first. Use the sql below according to your needs :


Do you wish to remove those test orders after you launch Magento store? You can't find

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