The Magento 2 Custom Order Number extension is suitable for your requirements.
This table includes all customer orders, whether or not that order was processed ... For example, the customer's first order returns a Customer's order number of 1; ... When these two fields are equal for the given order, this column returns “Yes”; ...
The bunch-size value is the value for how many orders to load at once.
I was wondering if there was a way to resolve this error and stop us receiving multiple versions of the same order. Share.
status defined in Magento (supports 3rd party custom order status extensions).
Duplicate orders with same Quote Id at same time with few time difference.
will make the order management process swift and smooth at the same time making it ...
Create invoices and shipments, add tracking numbers to orders,
Can I add multiple tracking numbers to various orders at the same time?
The lead digit on the Order Number will help you to distinguish the orders from each site.