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Status Order Magento : Useful Links


All orders have an order status that is associated with a stage in the order processing workflow. The status of each order is shown in the Status ...


Order Status in Magento 2 · New indicates that an order is created, but no payment has been made; · Pending means no invoice and shipments have been  ...


To create a custom order status: · Enter a Status Code for internal reference. The first character must be a letter (a-z), and the rest can be any ...


What is the difference between Magento order status and order state? · go to the Admin Panel>System>Order Statuses; · click the 'Create New Status' button; · fill in ...


An Order State is used to define the processing order. magento order chart. An Order Status is used by the administrator to know the exact order ...


There are many statuses in the OMS. The below information enumerates available statuses and reason codes. Order. Status Code, Status Name ...


Following list of order states are predefined by the Magento to understand and process orders in a defined flow,. New; Processing; Complete ...


Magento has a default authorize which sets the state as processing. You will have to edit/override the below file: code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Order/Payment.


i found a solution for my self, $order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')-> loadByIncrementId($order_id); $order->setData('state', "complete"); ...

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