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Microsoft Court Orders : Useful Links


If a government wants customer data, it must follow applicable legal process. It must serve us with a warrant or court order for content, or a subpoena for subscriber ...


Microsoft said Monday it had used a court order to take control of computers that were installing ransomware and other malicious software on local government ...


When a law enforcement agency presents Microsoft with a legally valid warrant, court order or subpoena requesting data that belongs to one of ...


The judge ordered work to stop on a cloud-computing contract for the Pentagon until Amazon's legal challenge was resolved.


The software giant won a court order to seize servers used by TrickBot, a network of infected computers that could have been used to lock up ...


A Judge Ordered Microsoft to Split. Here's Why It's Still a Single Company


On June 7, 2000, the court ordered a breakup of Microsoft as its remedy. According to that judgment, Microsoft would have to be broken into two separate units, ...


REDMOND, Wash, December 23, 1997 — In court papers filed today, Microsoft said the Justice Department's latest motion before U.S. District ...


Microsoft has obtained a court order and carried out a technical action to counter Trickbot, a botnet known for distributing ransomware, ...

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