I noticed a couple of weeks back that a DeliveryOptimization folder
Delivery Optimization in Windows 10 clears its cache automatically. Files are removed from the cache after a short time period or when their contents take up too ...
Delivery Optimization folder isn't there / Windows 10 home
Delivery Optimization doesn't access your personal files or folders, and it
This article provides information about Delivery Optimization, a peer-to-peer distribution method in Windows 10.
... out that it's the OptimizationDelivery folder that is taking almost 20gb.
Microsoft Store makes unwanted empty DeliveryOptimization folder
Microsoft this week shared more details about its new Delivery Optimization update service for Windows 10 clients.
Delivery optimization. Windows 10 1709 and later clients will download Intune Win32 app content by using a delivery optimization component on ...
The Delivery Optimization folder on the client is empty :( the Download folder contains