What is the default behavior of a DNS server when more than two DNS servers are configured as forwarders. In order to understand how this ...
Here's from the help file in Windows 2008 R2: Tabs:
"The order of the IP addresses that are listed as forwarders on a DNS server determines the sequence in which the IP addresses are used.".
Microsoft MVP Cloud and Datacenter Management. Disclaimer: This
In Domain Name System (DNS) terms, a DNS forwarder is a DNS server
In this post we're going to cover about topics that will help you in Understanding DNS Forwarders and Root Hints in Windows DNS Server.
I've listed steps on how to configure a DNS server to use forwarders using both the Windows GUI and the command prompt below. Configure a ...
In a simple example, a DNS forwarder sends name queries of external
What is the best practice for DNS order on domain controllers? If you do a
Besides, conditional forwarders can be use to forward que.