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Microsoft Word 2013 Track Changes Author : Useful Links


Answers. text/html 11/18/2013 1:21:59 PM Stefan Blom 53. Question. Sign in to vote. 53 · Sign in to vote. Try the following: Open the affected ...


In Word 2013, track changes not showing individual editors--all are now "author". I don't know what happened, and I can't seem to find any ...


Different authors' changes are indicated with different colors. When Track Changes is off, Word stops marking changes, but the colored underlines and ...


I found that after change the author name in the 'Info', it only applies to those comments/ track changes thereafter and the original comment/ track ...


I have Office Professional 2013 and am having some trouble reviewing a word document with track changes on. Word is showing my changes in the exact same  ...


For an updated article that covers Word 2013, Word 2016, Word 2019, and Word for Microsoft 365


Hello, I have received a file from a friend, who used an unknown version of WORD and put comments in the text w track changes. I opened the ...


I am having a problem with the track changes function in my 2013 version of Word (Microsoft 8.1). My friend John sent me a document with ...

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