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Can Mint Track Cash : Useful Links


But there's one thing Mint.com can't track automatically: cash. Try as many of us might to go cashless, there are plenty of instances in which ...


There is one limitation to recording cash transactions in Mint.com: while you can enter cash transactions, and Mint is obviously aware of your ATM ...


Does this exist in mint? Is there a workaround I can use? Right now I added my cash balance as a “property” as the mint help page suggested, ...


Select +Add a property for real estate, vehicles, cash or debt, or anything else you'd like to track. Or you can select +Add an offline bill for loans, rent, day care, ...


Break Down Bulk Purchases with OneReceipt · Budget Shared Expenses with Split & Hide · Track Your Cash Spending with a Simple System.


You'll also see the amount of cash and the credit you have ...


You can also manually add any transactions that are done in cash or through an unconnected account. This is easy to do and can help you have ...

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