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Mint Delivery Rules : Useful Links


Each player will select a Truck Card and Token of matching color, then place their Truck Token onto the Mintopia City action space, and add four (4) Classic mints ...


Rules for the first printing of Mint Delivery. Includes errata changes from the printed rulebook.


Mint Delivery is a refreshingly light pick up and deliver game that packs a surprising amount of depth into a pocket-sized tin. Created by.


Rules for the first printing of Mint Delivery. Includes errata changes from the printed rulebook. Veratul · 3 years ago · English · 17 4.


Mint Delivery Game Rules. Components. 9 Double Sided Map Cards; 5 Player Truck / AI Cards; 40 ...


Turn the order face down to signify that it has been completed. When an Order is completed either by the player or the AI, the player will take all of the mints turned  ...


Designed by Justin Blaske (Area 1851, Mint Works), Mint Delivery is a refreshingly light pick up and deliver game for 2 to 5 players with easy-to-learn rules and ...

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