For new players: Every Destiny 2 mission in order of occurence (plus some additional story info) · Looped · Six Release (Nessus) Lost Crew ( ...
Learn what order you should play all of Destiny 2's many campaign
Become the best Guardian in the galaxy with our latest Destiny 2
Originally, it was mandatory for every player to complete this story to be able to ...
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Since the game does little to tell what order to do things, I've put together this brief list of the correct Destiny 2 missions and expansions order.
Unlike with Destiny 2, Bungie never has vaulted content from the original game. That means players can go back and enjoy all the story content, ...
Here's the canon campaign order for Destiny 2's story:
There are 19 named missions in Destiny 2's Shadowkeep expansion,
Destiny 2: Forsaken Campaign Walkthrough