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Far Cry 4 Campaign Missions In Order : Useful Links


Here are the main missions you will complete in Far Cry 4. There are several missions in which you will have a choice on how to complete the ...


To find out which mission is the next campaign mission on your game map, but your cursor over the character or Golden Path icons, and in the description of the  ...


Far Cry 4's main story campaign is similar to most open world ones, where you are doing missions one by one until the end. However, there ...


I finished 10 campaign missions, freed some towers, captured some camps, had a little fun around but i can't find any new main campaign ...


in the campaign, Amita and Sabal, frequently give conflicting orders, forcing you to ...


Launching today, Far Cry 4 is the latest in Ubisoft's franchise of


I have finished 12/32 campaign missions, the last one being burning down the opium plants at the tea plantation for Sabral. I have also finished 2/4 Longinus ...


And tying the whole thing together are the campaign missions, providing a narrative thread to motivate exploration. I enjoyed Far Cry 2.

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