One of many features of Class Halls are the Class Hall Missions where you
1. How To Unlock Class Order Hall Missions? Once you have finished the artifact quest for your specialisation and you have unlocked the Class ...
Mage. Click Spoiler for an ordered list of Campaign Quests. Spoiler: Reveal Spoiler Hide Spoiler. Mage class hall campaign.
Complete free WQs every day. Classes that have this option available as an Order Hall upgrade include DH, DK, Mage, Paladin, Warlock, and ...
Successful missions can reward resources for developing the Class Hall, as well as actual
As you progress through the Broken Isles, more Order Hall quests will become available which will progress the story of your class. If your character's level is too ...
Dreadscar Battle Plans) is located in order halls, Deliverance Point's Command ... The Class Hall Missions and Class Hall Followers user interfaces can be ...
Hi all, I gifted my sister the latest expansion, and she leveled a Mage to
A guide to the best Mage Champions and Equipment - to get the highest success rates for your Class Order Hall missions.
Mages have Water Elementals and Apprentices. Hunters have Rangers and Trackers. Troops have one ability, which is to increase the success ...