Fixed the Bounty stage tracker UI in endless Bounties showing as complete on ...
Venus Bounty Hunter 2d 23h 59m 54s Standing Gain 4500. Weekly Good Friend 2d ...
Rescue missions may have their nightmare mod reward tied to the tier of the specter blueprint gained at the end of the mission, sometimes causing a nightmare ...
Estimated Cetus time of day based on the bounty timer (it's felt pretty ...
Sorties; Cetus Bounty Rewards; Orb Vallis Bounty Rewards; Cambion Drift Bounty Rewards; Mod Drops ...
my guess was that they wanted people to run these deimos missions at ...
Complete 5 different bounties in Orb Vallis. 4,500 standing. Help Clem with his weekly mission. 4,500 standing. Complete 5 scans for Cephalon Simaris.
Ive done 3 different bounties in orb vallis but the nightwave mission count still 1 bounty completed.
Does anyone know if there is a Bounty tracker for Cetus? Seems like everything ... Warframe X Dark Souls | Excalibur as the Nameless King. View Comments
I have played this particular bounty group slightly more than 100