X3:Albion Prelude Mission Gameplay: Deliver Xenon L To Beryll ...
Dec 21, 2011 ... Mission: Balance of Power, Making Friends, Deliver a Xenon L To Beryll Research station. Sector Patrol Mission Grand Exchange. X3: Albion ...
X3ap Delivery Missions : Useful Links
Find/buy the ship, order it to fly to the station it will be delivered in, when it gets there you will receive a message from the station on whether you are willing to cede ...
Hello am new to X3 Terran Conflict. It's early in the game on the Terran side and I chose a mission where I have to deliver a ship to Jupiter.
[X3TC]Help with the Terran Teladium delivery mission. After me and the Terran agent killed those pirates for the Teladi Dream farm owner, he told us to deliver ...
Page tree. X3: Albion Prelude · Ranks
I have stumbled across a couple of war missions in X3:Albion Prelude and have been sadly unimpressed: "deliver this radioactive waste, it's critical to the war ...
X3: AP Map
Quests often fall into several types, such as kill quests, gather quests, delivery/"fetch" quests, and escort quests. However, quests can include ...
a group of passengers from different stations and transporting them to different delivery points, within a timelimit.
x3ap delivery missions · delivery missions pick · rage delivery ...