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Can Isps Track What I'm Streaming : Useful Links


Yes, a good ISP can do traffic analysis and see what connections you have open, looking at the traffic they could determine roughly what you are doing (e.g. Using  ...


Short answer is yes. If there is any logging on their WiFi router they might not be able to see exact apps, but they'll be able to see the server domain/hostnames ...


If you're KODI client is using some add-on to connect to a pirated steam, then yes, your ISP could easily see the connection between your ...


(using my smartphone in another city to access my Synology NAS at home). Do they only see bits of data being transferred? Or can they tell if I'm streaming a ...


They won't be able to tell what you're streaming at all. They can just see that you' re using plex. Now do they, or do they care at all? No. There's no point. It's not ...


These tips can help you track down problems and make Netflix work the way


Dear Lifehacker, I've done lots of research about my Internet Service Provider's relationship with my uTorrent activity, but I still don't feel entirely ...

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