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Factory Orders M M : Useful Links


Get the Factory Orders (MoM) results in real time as they're announced and see the immediate global market impact.


... Shipments, Inventories, and Orders (M3) survey provides broad-based, monthly statistical data on economic conditions in the domestic manufacturing sector.


New orders for US manufactured goods rose by 2.6 percent from a month earlier in January 2021, the largest increase since last July and above market ...


According to provisional results of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), real ( price adjusted) new orders increased by a seasonally and ...


Factory orders in Germany increased 1.4 percent month-over-month in January of 2021, following an upwardly revised 2.2 percent plunge in ...


Latest data released by Destatis - 5 February 2021. Prior +2.3%; revised to +2.7 %; Factory orders WDA +6.4% vs +6.7% y/ ...


New factory orders excluding transportation equipment still rose by a respectable 1.7%, decelerating from 1.9% growth the prior month. Inventories expanded by ...


PRE-ORDER Preciosa MC - Factory packs. SELECT BY CATEGORY. 3 mm · 4 mm. Address. All Beads Cz s. r. o.. Palackeho 3145/41. 466 01 Jablonec nad ...


Economists polled by Reuters had forecast factory orders would rise 1.0% in September. Manufacturing, which accounts for 11.3% of U.S. ...

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